Thursday, January 6, 2011

Aso Kuju National Park

Sorry guys..still about the trip to Kumamoto in Kyushu island. There'll be few more entries about this trip and then no more he he he. This place is part of Aso caldera, a popular spot for paragliding, may be during summer because we encountered none of them during the trip :( 

A bit on Aso Kuju here

                                       Aso Kuju, here we come

                                          part of Aso caldera

                                a landmark stone in Aso Kuju

                           arigato gozaimasu..Akko chan

                                                      sporting couple

                          a typical view in early winter season

                                                      two thumbs up

                                      guys imitating the ladies

                                 scenic view on the way down



  1. ala.... tak habes2 buat entri pasal g jepon..

    dengki la den~ nak g jepon gak...........
