Saturday, February 26, 2011

You're what you believe or what you've made to believe

Sharing is caring :)

Courtesy from here
In a recent interview Peak Performance Coach and the Managing Director of Law to Success Adrian Law, was asked what he felt is the number one factor to how our lives turn out and if we succeed or not.
Adrian’s response was most fascinating…
“There are many factors but without question the number one thing that effects how your life turns out and whether you gain the success that you want, is your beliefs.”
“I believe that everyone of you have beliefs that serve you, constructive beliefs and we also have limiting beliefs (conscious or unconscious) that may hold you back.
So for example you might have a limiting belief about how much you are worth or what you can or can’t do.

Here’s a quick exercise for you –

I’m going to ask you some quick questions and in your minds eye just answer ‘Yes’ if you believe it to be true about yourself and ‘No’ if you don’t believe it to be true.
1) Do you believe that you are successful or not? Yes/No
2) Do you believe that you are a loving person or not? Yes/No
3) Do you believe that you are stubborn? Yes/No
4) Do you believe that you are generous or not? Yes/No
5) Do you believe that you are good looking Yes/No
6) Do you believe that you are open minded Yes/No

OK, so you might have answered yes to all of those or no to all of them, or perhaps a mixture of answers.
My question to you though is how do you know this to be true for you?

How do you know?

The interesting thing about beliefs Adrian went on to say is that we literally make up our beliefs from your previous experiences.
Let me say that again as it’s really important. We literally make up our beliefs from your previous experience. This means that those beliefs may not be true, you just believe them to be true.
There’s 2 main ways that we’ve all formed our beliefs.
One is what other people have told you. Lets say when you were a young boy or girl and your teacher told you something and maybe your parents said the same thing, possibly quite a few times. Often we take that on as a belief, whether it’s constructive or negative.
Have a look at the list above. Which ones came from what others told you?
I used to have limiting beliefs around money because all I heard growing up was ‘its too expensive,’ we can’t afford that etc.
The second and more powerful way that we create beliefs is from what you tell yourself. If your self-talk is going over & over saying I’m not good with money or I have a bad memory, this then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The good news is that beliefs can be changed as mine and thousands of people I’ve worked with have.
So, for those who have kids please instill positive beliefs in your children's mind because it's kind of frustrating to hear remarks like below (being repeated at every opportunity);

- you're naughty, stubborn, stupid

- don't do this, don't do that 

- expensive! you can't afford that! (referring to goods with price tag RM0.50 ?? or even RM0.20?? (always heard this remark when running our own convenience shop few years back). If RM0.20 is expensive, what kind of limitation you've instilled in your own child's mind? Would he/she dare to dream big if RM0.20 is considered expensive?

- don't dream or "jangan berangan2 mat jenin" - this statement is not relevant now. Even Honda's famous tagline is "THE POWER OF DREAMS"


Friday, February 25, 2011

Fraser's Hill

Nampaknya dah makin liat nak update blog laa..ataupun LLB (looks like busy - baru dapat acronym ni drpd boss). Pejam celik, pejam celik dah nak habis minggu ni dan bulan Februari..cepatnyer masa berlalu dan umur pun semakin banyak. Masalahnyer tak sedar2 diri juga (saya la tu..)

Seperti tajuk di atas (eh? macam surat rasmi jer) mari saya story sikit pasal Fraser's Hill. Dulu ada la cakap2 kononnya ada jalan baru nak naik ke Fraser so tak yah la nak tunggu waktu naik - as of Jan 2013 memang dah guna jalan lain untuk turun dari Fraser Hill so tak payah risau tentang waktu turun naik lagi ;) & turun kat gap tu (persimpangan between jalan ke pekan Raub dan Fraser) - Rupa2nya sama cam dulu jugak - jalan baru tu kabar2 angin saja. Masih kena tunggu turn naik dan turun sebab jalan nak ke Fraser tu masih lagi satu lane so susah kalau nak selisih. Ai sey, story ni dah basi le..sume orang2 kat M'sia dah tahu dah ha ha ha ha. Kita tengok je lar pixs yang kitorang klik2 kat sana.

jadual turun naik

gambar ni pun nak letak jugak? bosan tunggu turn naik la tu

surau pun ada kat gap ni..shhh..toilet pun ada, tapi saya tak klik2 la

kalau rasa dah miong pening2 langau ka, boleh la test ice lemon tea kat sini

ni dah kat Fraser Hill la - saja nak simpan gamba masjid

tempat makan2 - canggih jugak (especially harga nyer ha ha ha)

nak makan la tu - kedai yang mana satu ek?

tu dia..penyambut tetamu yang sentiasa lapar tapi seumur hidup tak makan wlupun mulut nganga 24 jam

tak jauh dari tempat makan2

lepas makan boleh la lepak kat sini

dah bosan lepak kat taman tu boleh la pegi sini pulak

kaunter tiket sikit punya lawa

tapi airnye sejemput je - cukup la untuk pusing2 pakai sampan. Dulu air kat sini macam teh tarik, sekarang better sebab dah clear - siap ada ikan lagi

Ni tempat tunggang kuda pulak

popular landmark di Bkt Fraser

sepanjang jalan kenangan, kita selalu berganding tangan (ni lagu laa). Apa benda hitam kat atas jalan tu? Casing camera canggih - sebab diorang tengah busy klik2 satu family kat sebelah

lagi tempat lepak2

landmark dari dekat - ramai pulak orang nak klik2 landmark ni. Baru lepas segerombolan family alih2 couple ni pulak..


posing depan Shahzan Inn (not so good review in Tripadvisor)

lonely flower - sebab dia sorang2 jer kat celah pagar kayu ni

cantek tak?


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sungai Selangor Dam

On the way to Fraser's Hill (from Kuala Kubu Baru town) you'll find this damn beautiful dam -  for more beautiful pix and info you can visit here :)

However, below are my version of pixs, taken in a hurry because Idin is not someone who simply park along the road (without any proper parking space) arrrgggghhhh, so freaking law-abiding this mamat!

a bit misty due to no flash used (in a hurry, anything is okay)

tiny tiny little waves

I wish that i can sit and enjoy the view on that bridge

Sorry guys, don't dream of bathing or fishing here okay (but saw people were happily fishing anyway..)


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Resepi sempoi

Sebab hari ni Sunday, besanya para suri2rumah akan masak special untuk family diorang. Bagus2.. keep up the good work. Bagi anak2 (besa kita dengar..) masakan yang paling sedappppp ialah masakan mak. Bagi saya pun camtu, masakan mak lah yang paling best! Idin pulak semestinya dia kata masakan umi dia yang paling enak dan dia tak akan makan benda2 yang umi dia tak pernah masak sehingga saya berjaya twist selera dia (tapi tak 100% ler, masih ada makanan yang dia tak makan). Kalau tanya dia, e.g, "apasal tak makan ikan pari?" Jawapan standard, "Umi tak pernah masak". Hek eleh..kot ya pun umi tak pernah masak, apa salahnye cuba rasa2 and tukar selera. Bab ikan pari dah berjaya disettlekan so dia dah pandai makan ikan ni sekarang (dah jadi suka la pulak). Yang lain2 macam paru, perut, gear box (lembu la ni) ikan keli, pedal ayam sampai la ni masih belum berjaya ditwist...(sorry aaa...ini bahasa2 rojak)

So para emak2, berbanggalah bila masak sebab anak2 pasti suka masakan emak..

Apasal tajuk lain cerita lain? Ohhh...kat atas tu intro jer..sebab resepi ni terlalu sempoi jadi intro kena panjang sikit he he he.

Resepi ni paling senang dah boleh dimodify mengikut citarasa. Terhasil semasa saya teringin nak makan maggi berkuah tapi tak de stock (masa tu saya tak kerja, rumah pulak jauh dr kedai, so bayangkan lah betapa daif nyer hehehe) - yang ada hanya maggi goreng 'Sedap'.

Ok let's start now;

maggi goreng 'Sedap' convert ke mee bandung
sebungkus atau 2,3 (ikut suka) maggi goreng 'Sedap', perasa biasa (maggi goreng lain tak pernah cuba lak)
sos tomato, sos cili pun boleh (klu ada dua2 lagi best)
sos tiram
kicap (sikit jer) - manis ke, masin ke, cair ke..ikut selera masing2 atau pun belasah apa yng ada
buah tomato
sayur2an (sawi ke, kobis ke..carrot.. cauliflower ke..apa2 jer la yang sewaktu dengannyer)
sotong, udang, ayam, daging (optional, tak de pun tak per)

Rebus air cam besa (pandai2 la agak yng mana nak masukkan dulu mengikut kadar kecepatan-empuk bahan2 tu, e.g kalau ada daging kena rebus daging dulu lerr). Lepas tu masukkan maggi, sayur2 dan semua perencah2 maggi tu - tambah air mengikut banyaknye bahan2 nak letak. Then masukkan la sos2 yang tersebut kat atas tu mengikut selera tapi elok sos tomato lebih sikit. Kalau tawar, tambah le garam beb.

Last masukkan tomato and telur..tadaaaaa!!! dah siap. Walaupun umi dia tak pernah masak cam ni, tapi Idin bedal gakkk..hohoho

Apasal ada hitam2 tu? Isy2..sayur kan optional, so masa ni ada fungus/cendawan hitam jadi belash jer lah
(saya akan citer pasal fungus ni dalam posting lain plak)


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Betul ka ??

Dia dah buat analisa dah..dia kata macam tu la. Saya tak pasti la pulak. Terjumpa article ni masa dok belek2 magazine kat sini. Pada pendapat saya memanglah berblogging ni engaging tapi satisfy tu tak tahu lagi tahap mana. Kalau ada reader memang la seronok. Tapi tak la sampai tahap gaban. Klu tak de? Kalau tak de nak buat camno..buat bodo jer la.

Bila saya berblog walking..memang penat weiii sebab terlalu banyak - itu baru kat M'sia belum campur negara2 lain lagi..mak oooiii (saya pun dah terjebak dalam kancah perblogan ini huhuhu..). Pada pendapat saya macam2 sebab orang berblog, antaranya;

- berbusiness (jual barang, jual ruang iklan dan segala hal2 jual menjual)
- personal (nak cerita pasal familiy ke, anak2 ke, pakwe-makwe ke...apa2 jer la)
- poilitik (nak hantam parti2 lawan atau nak mewar2kan ideologi masing2)
- topic of interest (kot orang tu suka berkebun ke, berfesyen ke, bergossip ke, resepi, community service ke, keugamaan ke, motivasi ke dan macam2 lagi)
- sebab orang tu artis atau celebrity (ada la peminat buat fan club ke, atau nak update pasal album ke, concert ke, filem ke)
- banyak lagi lah..sampai berpage2 pun tak habis2 klu nak tulis

Kenapa saya berblog? Alamak! kena bagi tau ke? Jawapannye..salah satu atau semua yang tersebut di atas ha ha ha ha..ada percaya ka?

Blog ni hanya sebagai journal saya dan apa2 yang saya nak tulis le hihihi, masa tengah rajin la.... Kot esok lusa dah malas..tak tahu la pulak. Saya tak ada ke'gilaan' mendalam dlm satu2 perkara. Nak cerita pasal artis pun dah berlambak blog2 yg ada. Resepi? lansung tak tahu masak daa..sikit2 boleh laarr. Pasal tumbesaran anak? He he he..anak kucing pun saya tak de. Habis nak cerita pasal apa?

Kalau nak tahu kena 'singgah' la selalu he he he (aaiii?? promo blog sendiri nampakkk)

courtesy dari Harvard Business Review magazine - October 2010


Friday, February 18, 2011

Seharian di National Library

Sehari suntuk lepak di library, pendek kata tolong bukak(10am) dan
tutup(7pm) . Macam besa, tak ramai orang, mungkin sebab hari bekerja
jadi lebih tenang dan relax gitu.

lorong pejalan kaki - kadang2 ada gak mat2 moto lalu ikut sini

gamba senget pulok

business hours..aiii? termasuk bayang2

external view dari bilik karel No. 9 - sewa bilik ni RM2  <4jam, RM4 >4jam. Kalau nak privacy duduk la dlm bilik karel (apa makna karel? saya pun tak tahu :))

internal view dari bilik yng sama..klu security nampak kena marah kot..rasanya tak leh amek gambar..sorry encik, saya x tahu huhuhu, me no see any 'camera not allowed' sign!

nak balik dah..

beberapa fakta yang saya tahu tentang National library nih;
- sejuk giler
- kalau nak pinjam buku kena pegi building belakang
- ada surau dan cafetaria (murah jugak, sebab subsidised kott..agak2 je)
- buku2 rujukan agak lama - rasanya library di IPT & IPTS lebih ok kott
- tak boleh bawa makanan masuk
- nak bawak lap top? bolehhhh, plug pun ada, paling banyak kat tingkat 3 & 4
- tak ramai orang during weekdays
- free wifi? ada jugakk, tapi asek keluar website library ni jerr
- kalau nak surfing internet kat ground floor ada, tapi kena $$$ laarr (tak sure berapa, murah jerrr)
- masuk library ni free, no ID card, no ic, nothing
- nak pinjam buku? tunjuk mycard jer..all computerised
- isnin & cuti umum, tutup daaa


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here's How to Change Your Thoughts...

for reading pleasure...(from my 'inbox')


Hi Ina,

Hope all is going great for you...

In this e-letter, you will read more about the power of asking the
right question in manifesting your desires...

But before I get to that, I wonder if you noticed something...

When I come across successful people, I notice they speak a whole
different language...

At the surface, it seems they talk like anyone else, but if you pay
close attention, you will realize that their language is completely

Try this... When you hear a successful person talking, pay attention
to see if you notice this too...

Successful people talk as if they know exactly where they want to
go, and everything they say revolves around  "How to get there..."

They know the destination, they only ask about the vehicles and
maps to get there...

Take notice of this and after a while you develop a great power...

A power to learn about everyone that you come across or listen to.

You can quickly tell who is using the power of "How" questions and
getting things done and who might be trapped in "Why" loops...

You may ask "Why should I care how successful people talk?"

Simple. Because that is the same language they use when they talk
to themselves!

You don't have to wonder how successful people think...

If you pay close attention to how they talk, you can tell EXACTLY
how they think.

After all, our thoughts are results of our inner dialogue and how
we talk to ourselves...

Do you want to change your thoughts? ...Change how you talk to

But now, When you ask "How", how can you make sure this inner
dialogue, this conversation with yourself, is the most powerful
and life changing?

Your "How" question will lead to the manifestation of your desire,
only when the "How" question reaches your subconscious mind...

At the surface, "How" questions break the nagging "Why" loops...

That's a great step...


To unleash the power to bring about great changes, the
subconscious mind should get involved and act on the "How"

Your subconscious mind will do that only if it considers that
question important...

But how can you make sure that among all of the fears, worries, and
insignificant thoughts that we have all the time, your subconscious
mind considers your "How" question as the one that is the most

How can the subconscious mind listen to the "How" question among
all those little thoughts and worries, the "Chatter" in the mind?

When the subconscious mind gets the "How" question loud and clear,
that's when you can expect great things happen, in the most
unexpected ways... yes, the great manifestations...

But how can you make your "How" question loud and clear among all
that chatter in the mind?

Stay tuned for the next e-letters...

Wish you happiness,
Dr E

Manifestation Session CD at:

ebook at:

* to believe or not to believe that is the question


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sungai Tamu

On the way ke Goh Tong Jaya (ikut jalan Ulu Yam, selepas Batang Kali town) boleh la singgah ke Sg Tamu ni untuk mandi-manda, berkelah, camping & makan-makan.

Lain kali lah kot kitorang picnic...hari ni x cukup masa sebab tak plan - hanya naik ke G'Tong pekena nasi kandaq..(Ahad, 13/2/11)


Monday, February 14, 2011

Goh Tong Jaya

Jalan-jalan ke Goh Tong Jaya (di kaki Genting..)

Tak jauh dari rumah saya, dalam 40 minit campur jam sikit2 & traffic lights. Nothing much to see but kitorang love the cool temperature so muchh, kira macam bukan kat Malaysia gitu..Pas tu suka lepak tengok2 gelagat tourists :)

Scenery along the way (ikut jalan Ulu Yam) memang mendamaikan...+ udara yang menyegarkan...= sayasuka lahh :)))

Next time cuba pegi kat strawberry farm pulak