Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Keajaiban Kaabah dan sains

1. Mekah adalah kawasan yang mempunyai graviti paling stabil.

2. Tekanan gravitinya tinggi, dan di situlah berpusatnya bunyi-bunyian yang membina yang tidak boleh didengar oleh telinga.

3. tekanan graviti yang tinggi memberi kesan langsung kepada sistem imun badan untuk bertindak sebagai pertahanan daripada segala serangan penyakit.

4. graviti tinggi = elektron ion negatif yang berkumpul di situ tinggi=doa akan termakbul kerana di situ adalah tempat gema atau ruang dan masa serentak.

5. Apa yang diniatkan di hati adalah gema yang tidak boleh didengar tetapi boleh dikesan frekuensinya. Pengaruh elektron menyebabkan kekuatan dalaman kembali tinggi, penuh bersemangat untuk melakukan ibadat, tidak ada sifat putus asa, mahu terus hidup, penyerahan diri sepenuhnya kepada Allah.

6. Gelombang radio tidak boleh mengesan kedudukan Kaabah.

7. Malah teknologi satelit pun tidak boleh meneropong apa yang ada di dalam Kaabah. Frekuensi radio tidak mungkin dapat membaca apa-apa yang ada di dalam Kaabah kerana tekanan graviti yang tinggi.

8. Tempat yang paling tinggi tekanan gravitinya, mempunyai kandungan garam dan aliran anak sungai di bawah tanah yang banyak. Sebab itu lah jika bersembahyang di Masjidilharam walaupun di tempat yang terbuka tanpa bumbung masih terasa sejuk.

9. Kaabah bukan sekadar bangunan hitam empat persegi tetapi satu tempat yang ajaib kerana di situ pemusatan tenaga, graviti, zon magnetisme sifar dan tempat yang paling dirahmati.

10. Tidur dengan posisi menghadap Kaabah secara automatik otak tengah akan terangsang sangat aktif hingga tulang belakang dan menghasilkan sel darah.

11. Pergerakan mengelilingi Kaabah arah lawan jam memberikan tenaga hayat secara semula jadi daripada alam semesta. semua yang ada di alam ini bergerak mengikut lawan jam, Allah telah tentukan hukumnya begitu.

12. Peredaran darah atau apa saja di dalam tubuh manusia mengikut lawan jam. Justeru dengan mengelilingi Ka abah mengikut lawan jam, bermakna peredaran darah di dalam badan meningkat dan sudah tentunya akan menambahkan tenaga. Sebab itulah orang yang berada di Mekah sentiasa bertenaga, sihat dan panjang umur.

13. Manakala bilangan tujuh itu adalah simbolik kepada tidak terhingga banyaknya. Angka tujuh itu membawa maksud tidak terhad atau terlalu banyak. Dengan melakukan tujuh kali pusingan sebenarnya kita mendapat ibadat yang tidak terhad jumlahnya.

14. Larangan memakai topi, songkok atau menutup kepala kerana rambut dan bulu roma(lelaki) adalah ibarat antena untuk menerima gelombang yang baik yang dipancarkan terus dari Kaabah. Sebab itu lah selepas melakukan haji kita seperti dilahirkan semula sebagai manusia baru kerana segala yang buruk telah ditarik keluar dan digantikan dengan nur atau cahaya yang baru.

15. Selepas selesai semua itu baru lah bercukur atau tahalul. Tujuannya untuk melepaskan diri daripada pantang larang dalam ihram. Namun rahsia di sebaliknya adalah untuk membersihkan antena atau reseptor kita dari segala kekotoran supaya hanya gelombang yang baik saja akan diterima oleh tubuh.

Sumber dari SINI


Friday, September 30, 2011

Ain & Alya di kota keriangan

Raya baru-baru ni sempat kidnap anak2 buah, ke mana lagi kalau tak ke kota keriangan. Tengok, riang tak depa tu?

yang mana lebih suspen, yang ni ke atau yang kat Langkawi?

he he dah sampai dah

fuyyo tingginye you 2 orang!

ingatkan maklong nak bawak pergi Paris ha ha ha

eeeee takut ker?

si Alya

si Ain

jangan gaduh-gaduh ehh..mesti ikut cakap umi korang

terima kasih Paklong..lain kali belanja lagi ekk

tempat lepak yang cool

syok tak?

naik rusa ni cuma sekentut kumbang lamanya

aik? kat luar pun sejuk ka?

Ain & Alya...Adib mana?

balik time..bukan la turun Genting naik komuter pulak, ni time balik rumah depa :)


15th Anniversary

Diam tak diam dah sampai hujung September 2011. Kira sempat lagi nak sumbat at least satu entri untuk bulan ni. Diam tak diam jugak dah 15 tahun saya hidup berdua-duaan dengan pak we pujaan hati he he he. Setiap bulan September, kitorang wajib beli kek untuk celebrate kononnye - tak kira la kek apa, cup cake pun ada jugak kot tapi tak ingat tahun bila tu.

Untuk kali ni, setelah pusing 2,3 kali kat Setiawangsa baru terjumpa kedai kek (ada satu kedai kek je kat sini?), chop..dah lupa pulak nama kedai tu (masa tengah type ni), tapi yang pasti kedai tu dekat ngan kedai mamak Ali Maju (ni memang tak boleh lupa).

Tadaaaa... tu dia kek blueberry cheezzzze, makan pun tak larat abizzz he he he

Happy Anniversary to Ina & Idin...


Monday, August 1, 2011

Al Quran 30 Juzuk - Sheikh Mishary Rashed Alafasy

bacaan-al-quran-30-juzuk-oleh-Sheikh Mishary

Selamat berpuasa...........


Monday, July 25, 2011

Fukushima boy - a lesson for me and for you

It's been a longggggggggg time since my last update. I didn't plan to update today either but i just need to keep and share the story of this special little boy - a boy with a big heart.

EDITOR'S note: 
THIS letter, written by Vietnamese immigrant Ha Minh Thanh working in  Fukushima as a policeman to a friend in Vietnam , was posted on New America Media on March 19. It is a testimonial to the strength of the Japanese spirit, and an interesting slice of life near the epicenter of  Japan 's crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. It was translated by NAM editor Andrew Lam, author of "East Eats West: Writing in Two Hemispheres." Shanghai Daily condensed it.


How are you and your family? These last few days, everything was in chaos. When I close my eyes, I see dead bodies. When I open my eyes, I also see dead bodies. 
Each one of us must work 20 hours a day, yet I wish there were 48 hours in the day, so that we could continue helping and rescuing folks.

We are without water and electricity, and food rations are near zero. We barely manage to move refugees before there are new orders to move them elsewhere.

I am currently in Fukushima , about 25 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant. I have so much to tell you that if I could write it all down, it would surely turn into a novel about h uma n relationships and behaviors during times of crisis.

People here remain calm - their sense of dignity and proper behavior are very good - so things aren't as bad as they could be. But given another week, I can't guarantee that things won't get to a point where we can no longer provide proper protection and order. 

They are h uma ns after all, and when hunger and thirst override dignity, well, they will do whatever they have to do. The government is trying to provide supplies by air, bringing in food and medicine, but it's like dropping a little salt into the ocean.

Brother, there was a really moving incident. It involves a little Japanese boy who taught an adult like me a lesson on how to behave like a h uma n being.

Last night, I was sent to a little grammar school to help a charity organization distribute food to the refugees. It was a long line that snaked this way and that and I saw a little boy around 9 years old. He was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.

It was getting very cold and the boy was at the very end of the line. I was worried that by the time his turn came there wouldn't be any food left. So I spoke to him. He said he was at school when the earthquake happened. His father worked nearby and was driving to the school. The boy was on the third floor balcony when he saw the tsunami sweep his father's car away. 

I asked him about his mother. He said his house is right by the beach and that his mother and little sister probably didn't make it. He turned his head and wiped his tears when I asked about his relatives.

The boy was shivering so I took off my police jacket and put it on him. That's when my bag of food ration fell out. I picked it up and gave it to him. "When it comes to your turn, they might run out of food. So here's my portion. I already ate. Why don't you eat it?"

The boy took my food and bowed. I thought he would eat it right away, but he didn't. He took the bag of food, went up to where the line ended and put it where all the food was waiting to be distributed. 

I was shocked. I asked him why he didn't eat it and instead added it to the food pile.
He answered: "Because I see a lot more people hungrier than I am. If I put it there, then they will distribute the food equally."
When I heard that I turned away so that people wouldn't see me cry. 

A society that can produce a 9-year-old who understands the concept of sacrifice for the greater good must be a great society, a great people. 
Well, a few lines to send you and your family my warm wishes. The hours of my shift have begun again.

Ha Minh Thanh
copied from HERE
* En Hamdi - thank you for being one of the followers;)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kucing itu suci?

Hari ni saya lunch dengan office-mate Soleha (terimakasih sebab belanja lunch he he he). Dia baru balik dari bercuti dan baru pindah rumah. Borak punya borak terkeluar cerita pasal 2 ekor kucing dia. Ada ke masa dia pergi bercuti, anak buah dia letak kucing2 tu dalam reban ayam sebab takut hilang! So kucing2 dia dah bau macam ayam :D

Oleh sebab dah lama sangat tak update blog, saya terjumpa article menarik tentang binatang kesayangan nabi Muhammad (SAW) ni.

Setiap Nabi menerima tetamu di rumah, nabi selalu mengendong mueeza (nama kucingnya) dan ditaruh dipahanya. Salah satu sifat Mueeza yang paling nabi suka ialah Mueeza selalu mengeong ketika mendengar azan, seolah-olah ngeongnya mengikut lantunan suara azan.

Nabi berpesan untuk menyayangi kucing kesayangan layaknya menyanyangi keluarga sendiri.

Pernah juga nabi mahu mengambil jubahnya, dan ada Muezza sedang tidur diatasnya. Nabi pun memotong belahan lengan yang ditiduri mueeza dari jubahnya supaya tidak menganggu Muezza.

Selepas Nabi pulang ke rumah, Muezza terbangun dan pergi kepada majikannya. Sebagai balasan, nabi menyatakan kasih sayangnya dengan mengusap lembut ke badan kucing itu.

Nabi menekankan dalam beberapa hadis bahawa kucing itu tidak najis. Bahkan dibenarkan untuk berwudhu menggunakan air bekas minum kucing kerana dianggap suci.

Kenapa Rasulullah Saw mengatakan bahawa kucing suci dan tidak najis?

Pada kulit kucing terdapat otot yang berfungsi untuk menolak telur bakteria. Otot kucing itu juga dapat menyesuaikan dengan sentuhan otot manusia.

Permukaan lidah kucing tertutupi oleh berbagai benjolan kecil yang runcing, benjolan ini bengkok mengerucut seperti kikir atau gergaji. Bentuk ini sangat berguna untuk membersihkan kulit. Ketika kucing minum, tidak ada setitik pun cecair yang jatuh dari lidahnya.

Sedangkan lidah kucing sendiri merupakan alat pembersih yang paling canggih, permukaannya yang kasar boleh membuang bulu-bulu mati dan membersihkan bulu-bulu yang tersisa di badannya.

Telah dilakukan berbagai penelitian terhadap kucing dan pelbagai perbezaan usia, perbezaan kedudukan kulit, punggung, bahagian dalam telapak kaki, pelindung mulut, dan ekor. Pada bahagian-bahagian tersebut dilakukan turun sample dengan usapan. Di samping itu, dilakukan juga penanaman bakteria pada bahagian-bahagian khusus. Terus diambil juga cairan khusus yang ada pada dinding dalam mulut dan lidahnya.

Keputusan yang diperolehi adalah:
1. Keputusan yang diambil dari kulit luar adalah negatif mempunyai kesan banteria, meskipun dilakukan berulang kali.

2. Perbandingan yang ditanamkan bakteria memberikan hasil negatif sekitar 80% jika dilihat dari cecair yang diambil dari dinding mulut.

3. Cecair yang diambil dari permukaan lidah juga memberikan hasil negatif bakteria.

4. Sekalinya pun ada bakteria yang ditemui ketika proses kajian, bakteria itu masuk kelompok bakteria yang dianggap sebagai bakteria biasa yang berkembang pada tubuh manusia dalam jumlah yang terbatas seperti, enterobacter, streptococcus, dan taphylococcus. Jumlahnya kurang dan 50 ribu pertumbuhan.

5. Tidak dijumpai kumpulan bakteria yang pelbagai.

Berbagai sumber yang boleh dipercayai dan hasil kajian makmal menyimpulkan bahawa kucing tidak mempunyai bakteria dan mikrob. Air liurnya bersih dan membersihkan.

Komen Para Doktor dalam bidang berkaitan:

Menurut Dr. George Maqshud, ketua makmal di Hospital Hewan Baitharah, jarang sekali ditemukan adanya bakteria pada lidah kucing. Jika bakteria itu ada, maka kucing itu akan sakit.

Dr. Gen Gustafsirl mendapati bahawa bakteria yang paling banyak terdapat pada anjing, manusia 1 / 4 anjing, kucing 1 / 2 manusia. Doktor haiwan di  klinik haiwan Damaskus, Sa'id Rafah menegaskan bahawa kucing memiliki peranti pembersih yang bernama lysozyme.

Kucing tidak suka air kerana air merupakan tempat yang sangat subur untuk pertumbuhan bakteria, terlebih pada genangan air (lumpur, genangan hujan, dll). Kucing juga sangat menjaga kestabilan kehangatan tubuhnya. Ia tidak banyak berjemur dan tidak berada dekat dengan air. Tujuannya agar bakteria tidak berpindah kepadanya. Inilah yang menjadi faktor tidak adanya bakteria pada tubuh kucing.

Dan hasil kajian perubatan dan percubaan yang telah di lakukan di makmal haiwan, didapati bahawa badan kucing bersih secara keseluruhan. Ia lebih bersih dari manusia.

Sisa makanan kucing hukumnya suci. Hadis Kabsyah binti Ka'b bin Malik menceritakan bahawa Abu Qatadah, mertua Kabsyah, masuk ke rumahnya lalu ia menuangkan air untuk wudhu. Pada saat itu, datang seekor kucing yang ingin minum. Lantas ia menuangkan air di bejana sampai kucing itu minum. Kabsyah berkata, "Lihatlah." Abu Qatadah berkata, "Apakah kamu hairan?" Ia menjawab, "Ya." Lalu, Abu Qatadah berkata bahawa Nabi SAW prnh bersabda, "Kucing itu tidak najis. Ia binatang yang suka berkeliling di rumah (binatang rumahan),"
(HR At-Tirmidzi, An-Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, dan Ibnu Majah).

Diriwayatkan dan Ali bin Al-Hasan, dan Anas yang menceritakan bahawa Nabi Saw pergi ke Bathhan suatu daerah di Madinah. Lalu, beliau berkata, "Ya Anas, tuangkan air wudhu untukku ke dalam bejana."
Lalu, Anas menuangkan air. Ketika sudah selesai, Nabi menuju bejana. Namun, seekor kucing datang dan menjilati bejana. Melihat itu, Nabi berhenti sampai kucing tersebut berhenti minum lalu berwudhu. Nabi ditanya mengenai kejadian tersebut, beliau menjawab, "Ya Anas, kucing termasuk perhiasan rumah tangga, ia tidak dikotori sesuatu, bahkan tidak ada najis."

Diriwayatkan dari Daud bin Shalih At-Tammar dan ibunya yang menerangkan bahawa budaknya memberikan Aisyah semangkuk bubur. Namun, ketika dia sampai di rumah Aisyah, tenyata Aisyah sedang sembahyang. Lalu, ia memberikan isyarat untuk menaruhnya. Malangnya, setelah Aisyah menyelesaikan solat, dia lupa ada bubur. Datanglah seekor kucing, lalu memakan sedikit bubur tersebut.

Ketika ia melihat bubur tersebut dimakan kucing, Aisyah lalu membersihkan bahagian yang disentuh kucing, dan Aisyah memakannya. Rasulullah Saw bersabda, "Ia tidak najis. Ia binatang yang berjalan ke sana." Aisyah pernah melihat Rasulullah Saw berwudhu dari sisa jilatan kucing, (HR alBaihaqi, Abd Al-Razzaq, dan Al-Daruquthni).

Hadis ini diriwayatkari Malik, Ahmad, dan imam hadis yang lain. Oleh kerana itu, kucing adalah binatang, yang badan, keringat, bekas dari sisa makanannya suci.
sumber dari sini
Desert Lynx - Cat Facts
Seperti makhluk yang lain-lain, Allah mencipta macam2 jenis kucing. Cuba tengok kat sini . Macam2 rupa ada tapi semua comel2 belaka;)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Miracle drink

From my inbox - thanks to Connie:)

This MIRACLE DRINK has been circulating for a long time long ago.  It is worth your while to take note.  There is a celebrity Mr. Seto who swears by it.  He wants to make it public to draw the attention of people who have cancers.  This is a drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it will restrain its growth!  Mr. Seto had lung cancer.  He was recommended to take this drink by a famous Herbalist from China.  He has taken this drink diligently for 3 months and now his health is restored, and he is ready to take a pleasure trip.  Thanks to this drink!  It does not hurt for you to try.

It is like a Miracle Drink!  It is simple. 

You need one beet root, one carrot and one apple that combine together to make the JUICE !

Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and immediately you drink the juice.  You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.

This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments: 

1. Prevent cancer cells to develop. It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney, pancreas disease and it can cure ulcer as well.
3. Strengthen the lung, prevent heart attack and high blood pressure.
4. Strengthen the immune system
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation. Therefore it will make skin healthy & LOOK more radiant. It is God sent for acne problem.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
9. Lessen menstrual pain
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.

There is absolutely no side effect. Highly nutritious and easily absorbs!  Very effective if you need to loose weight.  You will notice your immune system will be improved after 2 week routine.  Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for best effect.


P.M.in the Afternoon. 



Monday, May 9, 2011

Flour, sugar, salt and fenugreek?

Copied from my inbox (thank you PW) - written by Ranee Mohamed
 (apparently about many advices from two doctors giving talk at Sri Lanka)

"Think of your body as a project. Do not neglect it," warns the doctors. Dr.Tom Wu holds a doctorate in naturopathy and nutrition and Dr. Janet Wu, holds  doctorates in Naturopathy and psychology.
Dr. Tom Wu, who was then a lung specialist said that though his condition may have been as a result of years of l o ng treatment of victims of lung cancer, he himself has been able to overcome his cancer with a changed diet and lifestyle.
In a diet plan aimed at curing through food, Dr. Tom Wu and Dr. Janet Wu said that people today are eating more flour, salt and sugar and less fruit. They attribute this sugar/salt/floury diet to the swelling rate of diabetes all over the world.
They go on to forbid the use of dairy products and 'prescribe' only soy milk or goat milk. "The structure and composition  of goat's milk are similar to that of human milk, hence goat milk is the ideal milk of the human body," they said.
In another surprising proclamation this duo from the arena of alternative medicine advise the intake of two tablespoons of coconut oil, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with the juice of one lime for weight loss. We think it would do wonders to the body if the vegetables are cooked in itself and the coconut milk added after it is cook ed ," observed Dr. Tom Wu.

Water, the fluid of life
Speaking about the way to good living , Dr. Tom Wu and Dr. Janet Wu, said that the wonders of drinking water can never be matched . Declining all kinds of sodas and juices, the duo insist that water is the fluid of life. "Water ought to be sipped and not gulped down by the bottle. That would only place a great strain on the kidneys. Think about the other organs and cells waiting to receive water, that is why water ought to be sipped ," they advised .
Speaking of warmth and room temperature this medical duo say that many people eat fatty foods and drink frozen and cooked sodas and other kinds of iced drinks. They say that this will only cause the fat in the foods to harden in the stomach.  "When one drinks warm or hot water, or even tea, it will help to dissolve and possibly flush out the fat," they said.
Brushing out the bed tea and the mid morning tea, this duo of naturopathy said that tea ought to be drunk only after meals as an aid to digestion.
"Eat steamed vegetables, eat steamed fish or eat salads. Eat fruit.  Think of what all the natural goodness will do to your body. Eating white bread and other floury products ought to be avoided."
To lose weight
"Bread contains folic acid, which is added to flour. The other day we saw a person in the hotel taking about seven slices of bread. Think of what all this white bread will do to one's body. The body needs only 400 mcg of folic acid and too much of it can cause cancer," warned the doctors.
"If you want to truly lose weight, then do not eat bread, flour products, pasta and noodles.  Cookies and doughnuts are also prohibited . Eggs ought to be eaten hardboiled ," they point ed out.
Speaking of the wonders of the local (Sri Lanka) string hopper, Dr. Tom and Dr. Janet Wu said that string hoppers made from red rice flour (flour made at home and not from commercial packets) are very healthy. "The flour ought to be pounded at home, from red rice and the string hoppers ought to be made at home," they insisted.
"We advise a special smoothie for breakfast, if one is striving to lose weight. A smoothie made of carrot, tomato, beet, celery, baby spinach, ginger, turmeric, fresh coriander, parsley and one teaspoon of fenugreek (what is fenugreek?) is the ideal nourishment  for the morning . But one must not forget to add either a kiwi fruit, pineapple or a green apple or green grapes to this mixture. Have a glass of this smoothie for breakfast and some salad, and take more of this smoothie for lunch alone with other cooked food as fish, hardboiled eggs and salad." they advise.
Cure for cancer
"Eat raw vegetables and make sure that they are of seven colours if you can. Cancer is caused by the wrong diet. We have ensured that people who have suffer ed with cancer and who have overcome the disease have experienced good health with good eating habits. People who take this fruit and vegetable diet have not come back with cancer," said the doctors.
While breakfast and lunch is all fruit and vegetables, there seems to be no great plans for  dinner  either for one who wishes to make his body into a great health project. Dinner, they say ought to be brown rice cook ed with some fenugreek, diced pumpkin, one teaspoon of fenugreek powder, slices of ginger, generous amounts of garlic and some dried beans,  said the doctors.
Alcohol is sugar
Prohibiting the intake of all kinds of alcohol, the doctors said that every glassful of alcohol is its equivalent in sugar. "Some people we have met say that they do not eat floury products because they are diabetic, that they avoid sweets, but take whisky, beer wine  and other alcohol. Alcohol in itself is sugar," warns the doctors.
"It is not that we prohibit all sweets. One or two chocolates taken once in a way is okay," says Dr. Janet Wu.
Advising a brisk walk for half an hour everyday, these doctors say that exercise ought to be done outside and not in air-conditioned halls. "The pores open out during exercise and the body tries to throw the garbage out, but the air-conditioning stops it all, "said Dr. Janet Wu.
 "Coconut water is miraculous. It lowers blood pressure and is good for every organ. But we do not recommend that patients' with asthma consume it,"they said.
They said that garlic is nature's antibiotic which also lowers blood pressure; that ginger purified your blood stream and strengthens the kidneys.
"What is the use of being engaged in all kinds of other outside activities if one is neglecting one's health? Look after your body. Make it your next project," advises the doctors.
After reading this article I keep wondering about many benefits of fenugreek -  what is fenugreek?
fenugreek plant
fenugreek seed

* in Malay, fenugreek = halba


Monday, April 25, 2011

Wujud Qidam Baqa'

Si Sai Baba mengaku dia tuhan, ada super power tapi macamana tuhan boleh mati?


Extracted from here

The spiritual guru, who was regarded by his followers as a manifestation of God in human form, had stated in 1963 that Prema Sai Baba will be the proclaimed future incarnation of him.

But the incarnation was reportedly to take place in 2023, with Sai Baba saying he would die at the age of 96 in 2022.

Now that Baba has died prematurely at 85, nobody knows when the next spiritual leader will arrive.


Sifat-sifat Allah


While waiting...part 3 (Even a Moron with a Dream...)

Masa tunggu adik saya Jumaat lepas, saya berkesempatan la melapuk di MPH Mid Valley dan sempat la browse thru buku "Even a Moron with a Dream" by Pathman Senathirajah. Seronok gak baca walaupun dia kata si Moron ni adalah golongan yang pergi kerja balik kerja tapi tak happy sebab asek kena marah ngan bos, tak cukup duit, tak ada financial freedom (tak kaya la tuh), tertakluk pada office hour, tak de kebebasan, pendek kata orang yang tak de bisnes sendiri la...macam saya. Saya moron?

Dia juga kata, semua orang boleh jadi millionaire dan orang yang bangang saja tak mau kete Ferrari atau pakai jam Rolex..dan tak mau duit banyak ha ha ha ha. So orang yang pakai jam RM10 - RM12 bangang ke?

Pada saya kalau semua orang nak jadi boss (business sendiri) sapa pulak nak jadi kuli? Kalau semua orang millionaire, sapa lak nak cuci longkang, kutip sampah, tangkap ikan, bersawah,  tukang kebun, keja ngan Indahwater, dreber bas, bawak taxi dan semua keja2 yang millionaire tak buat?

Saya pun fikir punya fikir...apakah kekayaan semata adalah ukuran kegembiraan? Boleh ke kita bayangkan tahap kegembiraan orang miskin dapat RM100 dengan millionaire dapat duit RM100?


Saturday, April 16, 2011

I wish Sir Richard Branson is my CEO :)

Ada ke CEO-CEO kat M'sia yang menghargai pekerja2 macam Richard Branson? 


Sir Richard Branson had his first jolt of entrepreneurial success when he published a magazine at 16. Since then, he’s become a respected leader of cutting-edge enterprises and an inspiring pioneer of humanitarian projects. Hundreds of businesses later and billions of dollars wealthier, he shares with me his top three leadership tips.
Branson’s first chunk of advice is to find good people and listen to them. “Assemble a great management team that has a vision, passion and a real sense of ownership,” he says. “Look for leaders who listen - both to employees and customers,” adding further that what results in brilliant customer service and innovative product development are leaders who seek the feedback of their employees and customers.
“When things start going wrong, it’s often because staff members feel they are being ignored and good ideas are not bubbling to the top,” he says, explaining that the best CEOs are not concerned with the size of their office “or the thickness of the carpet”, and instead place greater emphasis on unearthing what their employees are thinking and feeling.
Branson’s second leadership pointer is that employees aren’t just resources working in the business; they are the business. “A successful business isn’t the product or service, its supply chain or its corporate culture: it is a group of people bound together by a common purpose and vision,” he says. “The best-designed business plan will come to nothing if it is not carried out by an enthusiastic and passionate staff.”
He’s emphatic about the difference this makes when stuff-ups occur. A team of friendly and proactive employees can win customers over, but a team of cold and disinterested workers just make a tough situation worse. “The manager must back this up by looking for the best in people,” he says. “Rather than focusing on mistakes, catch someone doing something right every day.”
Which leads to the one leadership action that’s easier to administer than any other, and yet is the single factor consistently lacking in many workplaces: recognition. “Fostering employee development through praise and recognition starts at the top,” he says. “It helps stamp out the fear of failure that can stunt a business, particularly in its early days. When mistakes inevitably happen, take the position that you have to learn from them. Try not to dwell on what went wrong. It’s almost always better not to go over the obvious with the people involved. They know exactly what happened.”
Branson’s third recommendation for excellent leadership is exemplified by his branding and the experience people have when interacting with his staff: lighten up. “Find the fun in your business,” he says. “Try to ensure that both your staff and customers feel a real sense of warmth and affection.” He advises leaders that for employees to treat clients in a heartfelt and attentive way, they need to love their work and be proud of the company.  “So look for people who show genuine enthusiasm and character and try to manage them that way.”
Despite asking him for just three tips, Branson threw in a bonus one: courage. “My phrase over the years has been - Screw it, just do it, because to succeed as a business leader, you must have the bravery to give it a go,” he says.  “One needs resolve and conviction to overcome hurdles and give people confidence to follow you.”
My blog post a fortnight ago dissected a harsh book that urges leaders to use fear, tyranny, and micromanagement to succeed in business. People like Richard Branson prove that the opposite is true.  It’s not fear that motivates employees; but hope and vision. It’s not tyranny that gets the best out of people; but consultation and collaboration. It’s not micromanagement that results in high performance; but compassion and ownership.
Coincidentally, Branson will be here in September speaking at the Ultimate Success Summit – the same month that brutal book gets released in Australia. One will be spreading a message that inspires, while the other will seek to incite the ire of those who read it. One breaks world records with hot air balloons. The other is full of hot air. Give me Branson any day.



Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Am Down, But I Will Rise Again

For those feeling down ... from loss, heartbreak, fear or anything ... keep talking through the tears. The tears are okay. Let its truth inside you. And please pass it on to others who can use it.

I am down.
And that is okay.
I may be down for a while,
But I will rise again.
And when I rise,
I will rise higher
Than I’ve gone before,
I will be stronger
Than I’ve been before.
I will thrive.

I am down.
And that is okay.
I may be down for a while,
And not want to move forward.
But though it may be slowly,
I will move forward
To a better place
Than I was before.
The journey gets brighter
Ahead of me.

I am down.
And that is okay.
I may be down for a while.
But I will again rise.
And when I rise
I will rise higher
Than I’ve gone before,
And I will be stronger
Than I’ve been before.
There is great hope.
There is great love.
They are mine.
I will again fly free.

from here

Saturday, April 9, 2011

While waiting...part 2 (perception on life)

We do take a lot for granted, don’t we?
Here are the air, sun, and stars, water flowing, clouds rolling, children laughing, music playing, and life itself, and yet our egos so often fixate on the money we do not have, the people we do not like, the stuff we want that we mistake for need.

 We are only human. We should forgive ourselves for this frequent focus on what we lack, on what is going wrong for us, on why things are so bad, versus all we are and all we have been given.
But we are human, and one of the many great gifts we have been given is our ability to recognize and be grateful for all we do have.
The beauty that is all around us. The joy, hope, wonder, stories and lessons that are inside the hearts of all those around us. The life and potential that is inside us.
It is my mission to remind people of the extreme importance of actively engaging in “intense experiences”: simple, positive and transformative new experiences that enable people to find, or refocus, on what really matters in their own lives. Experiences that enable people to achieve their greatest goals and achieve the inner peace and greater happiness that they already know deep inside is theirs. I provide these intense experiences through the free IntenseExperiences.com newsletter, and I provide them through my workshops, speaking engagements and other events.

Every day things happen to you and around you that, if you are watching, can teach you, inspire you, calm you, and remind you of what really matters, and what does not matter so much in the scheme of things.

What’s more, every day the world is just bursting with the potential for even more intense experiences if you make the effort to step into them...
Start a conversation with a stranger and, in ways small or large, it may just change your life.
Take a walk or drive somewhere new and, in ways small or large, it may just change your life.
Call someone you haven’t talked to for years. Pick a novel off the bookstore shelf based on intuition alone and read it to discover why your intuition led you to it. Decide you are going to learn how to tango, and then do it.
Or just step outside and be there.
Watch and hear what God, what nature, what the universe is telling you.
Perhaps a little yellow bird with grey wings will land on the branch of a tree near you, and it will look at you and chirp, and in those chirps a world of secrets will be revealed to you, too.
And be grateful.

Take the time to reflect on these intense experiences you actively engage in, and all those that happen to you.
We tend to invest so much energy in the things that bother us; naturally though what you put your energy into is the world you end up living in.
So invest your energy in recognizing and reflecting on the positive intense experiences. The more you can do this, the more these experiences will work their wonders in your life.



While waiting for idin to complete his 7 or 8 round of jogging here, i found the above email in my inbox (he's talking about yellow bird - for detail article you can visit his website). Coincidentally i've caught this couple of birds in action :)

life is based on your own perception - so you can add up your own dialogue for this couple:)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hey today is 6th April again

What is so special about 6th April? Of course it is..coz today is my birthday! Alhamdulillah, i've lived this long - 42 years. I've planned to pamper myself today (alone - only myself and i) but instead here i am at my fav hiding place -  'bilik karel 19'

My head or my heart (donno which one) is full of lamentations of what i have achieved so far (dunia & akhirat) and i'm trying so hard to reverse all the negative thinking until i read an article in theStar today. While i'm thinking how to cope with the upcoming TUV audit next week, unfinished assignments, whether i should stay in current company, whether i should quit, whether i can get better opportunity, whether there's any light at the end of the tunnel, whether this whether that, this young boy At the age of 8, he's coping with questions we find hard to imagine: How do you prepare for a life of blindness? What would you want to see? What would you do?

Tom Fox Zach Thibodeaux practices reading Braille with his tutor Beth Jeffrey during his after-school tutoring session at Mary Immaculate Catholic School in the city of Farmers Branch, Texas on March 3, 2011. Zach meets with his tutor several times a week to prepare himself with a life without sight.

Look at him! Ina, should you lament for all the blessings that you have? Smile and say Happy Birthday :D


Sunday, April 3, 2011

saya bukan cilok ehh

Gempak gempak! (pada saya saja...lansung tak pada orang lain larr..). Dah beberapa bulan guna header 'sayasuka' baru terjumpa blog lain yang dah guna nama ni :(  Sorry brother, saya bukan cilok ehh... Sebab bila google 'sayasuka' tak keluar pun blog brother ni (saya tengok google first page jerr) so ingatkan selamat laa. Tak caya suba tengok kat sini.. tak de kan? kan?

Alih-alih ternampak kat sini. Sedih dan pilu huhuhu...
Jadi, mulai hari ni let's say ya suka :D


Saturday, April 2, 2011

3 So-Called "Healthy" Foods that You Should STOP Eating (if you want a lean healthy body)

sent via email from Ms Choong PW - thanks PW:)

by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of the best-seller:  
The Truth About Six Pack Abs

I was reading a statistic in a nutrition book recently, and this is going to shock you...
Now before I tell you the statistic, let's keep an important fact in mind... according to well renowned nutrition author Michael Pollan, and his amazing book called 
In Defense of Food, humankind has historically consumed approximately 80,000 different species of edible plants, animals, and fungi, and approximately 3,000 of those have been widespread foods of the human diet.
Now get ready for a shocking and appalling statistic...
Currently, the average adult eating a typical modern western diet in countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, etc consumes approximately 67% of their total caloric intake from only 3 foods -- CORN, SOY, AND WHEAT (and their derivatives).
What would be considered a reasonably healthy amount of corn, soy, and wheat in the human diet?  Based on 10's of thousands of years of human history, and what the natural diet of our ancestors was (indicating what our digestive systems are still programmed to process), this would probably be in the range of about 1% to 5% MAX of our total calories from corn, soy, and wheat.
Considering that modern humans are eating 67% of their total calories from corn, soy, wheat... you can see why we have massive problems in our health, and our weight!
It's not a surprise that we have so many intolerance and allergies, specifically to soy and wheat (and gluten intolerance)... the human digestive system was simply never meant to consume these substances in such MASSIVE quantities.
Keep in mind that these massively high levels of corn, soy, and wheat in our modern human diet is a relatively new phenomenon that originated from the economics of the multi-billion dollar corn, soy, and wheat industries.  It really HAS been all about the money... NOT about our health!
By "derivatives" of corn, soy, and wheat, this means the food additives such as:

  • high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
  • corn oil
  • soybean oil (hydrogenated or plain refined)
  • soy protein
  • refined wheat flour
  • hundreds of other food additives such as maltodextrin, corn or wheat starch, soy lecithin, mono and diglycerides, etc, etc
This doesn't surprise me... consider how much soda or other sweetened drinks (with loads of HFCS) that the average person drinks daily... this is a LOT of calories from just 1 sole corn derivative.  Even marinades, salad dressings, ketchup, breads, and 100's of other foods contain loads of belly-fattening HFCS!
Also think about how many processed foods we have that are either fried in soybean or corn oil... and even if the foods are not fried in these oils, these oils are additives to almost every processed food... chips, candies, cakes, salad dressings, tomato sauces, burrito wraps, corn chips, breaded chicken, etc, etc.  This is a LOT of calories from these 2 other corn and soy derivatives... both of them EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY!
On top of that, think about how much breads, cereals, pastas, muffins, and other highly processed wheat products that most people consume each day.  Again, this is LOADS of unhealthy, blood-sugar spiking, nutrient-poor calories, that more than half of the population has some degree of intolerance to anyway.
It gets even worse!
Not only are we eating 67% of our total calories from corn, soy, and wheat... but because of the economics involved (specifically with cheap corn and soy) we are also feeding most of our farm animals corn and soy now too... again amplifying the amount of corn and soy that passes through the food chain and (from a biochemical standpoint) ends up in our bodies.
Probably the 2 worst examples of this blatant mismanagement of our food supply is how our factory farmed chickens and cows are fed.
Cows are fed mostly corn in factory feedlot farms, even though their digestive systems are only meant to eat grass and other forage. This makes the cows sick (hmm... E-coli anyone?), alters the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of the fats to unhealthy levels, and also diminishes the healthy CLA fats that would occur naturally in grass-fed beef.  All of these problems go away if our cows are fed what they were made to eat naturally - grass!
Our chickens are also fed a diet of mostly corn and soy and crowded in tight pens in horrendous conditions... when the fact is that a chicken was meant to roam around the outdoors eating a mixture of greens, insects, worms, seeds, etc.  When chickens are kept inside in tight quarters and fed only grains, it leads to an unhealthy meat for you to eat, and less healthy eggs compared to free-roaming chickens allowed to eat an outdoors diet.
Our food supply has gotten so screwed up that we're even feeding our salmon and other farmed fish corn and soy...again because of the economics involved.  How ludicrous is this, considering that fish are meant to eat a diverse diet of smaller fish, worms, bugs, etc.  Again this makes farm raised fish unhealthy in terms of nutrition compared to the wild counterparts.  If you want to see something even scarier about farm-raised fish, watch this quick video about the toxic fish you might be buying.
So even when you're eating chicken, beef, and fish, you're still essentially getting even MORE corn and soy into your body...considering that the cows, chickens, and farmed fish ate mostly soy and corn.
So it's actually WORSE than just 67% isn't it!
Why is it so unhealthy to consume 2/3rds of our calories from corn, soy, and wheat?
Well, this section could encompass an entire book, so to keep this short, I'll just throw out a few random reasons...
  • Skews the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats in our diet to as high as 30:1, when a ratio of 1:1 to 2:1 is considered healthy.
  • Problems with gluten intolerance (related to heavy wheat consumption)
  • Problems with weight gain, blood-sugar swings, and reduced insulin sensitivity (and progression of diabetes) due to excessive refined corn and wheat flours, as well as HFCS in our diet
  • Soy and corn are the most genetically modified crops (which also allows more pesticides and herbicides to be used, which are usually "xenoestrogens")
  • Many of the pesticide and herbicide residues in these crops are xenoestrogens, which can increase "stubborn" belly fat 
  • Soy products and derivatives contain a double-whammy of xenoestrogens as well as phytoestrogens... again creating an environment in your body for fat storage, carcinogenic effects, and even "man boobs" for some men in very severe cases
  • The feeding of corn and soy to animals reduces the health and nutritional benefits of those animal products
  • and the list could go on and on and on...
So how do you avoid all of this overwhelming amount of corn, soy, and wheat in our food supply, and finally take control of your weight and your health?
1. Don't purchase processed foods!  It all starts with your grocery cart discipline... choose only 1-ingredient foods such as fruits, veggies, beans, eggs (free roaming), nuts, seeds, and meats from grass-fed or free roaming animals that are raised correctly.  Only resort to junk foods or processed foods on a 1-day per week "cheat day" but ONLY when dining out... that way, the processed foods aren't in your house to tempt you.
2. Get most of your carbs from fruits and veggies instead of grains.
3.  Avoid store bought salad dressings as they almost always contain soybean oil and HFCS (instead, try myhomemade healthy salad dressing)
4. Make sure that your tomato sauces don't have HFCS and soybean oils... look for sauces made with olive oil instead.  Remember to avoid unhealthy canola oils too!
5. If you like guacamole (one of the healthiest snacks on the planet!), try veggie sticks with guacamole instead of genetically-modified, oil-soaked corn chips
6. If you like hummus, try veggies sticks with hummus instead of pita chips or other bread.
7. Reduce your cereal, bread, and pasta intake by having these foods only on "cheat days" and stick to more of the 1-ingredient foods I mentioned in #1 above.  Try some of these healthy snacks as good alternatives (yes, I know that one of the 13 snacks on there has sprouted grain, which is fine on occasion).
I could go on with more examples, but I think that's good for now.
So with all of this said... Is my diet perfect?  Well, no of course not!  Nobody is perfect, and I can give in to temptation on occasion just like anybody else.
However, I'd estimate that my corn/soy/wheat consumption is only about 2-4% of my total caloric intake compared to 67% for the average person.  The way that I achieve this is to simply not bring any corn, soy, or wheat products into my house, so I'm never tempted by it.  Therefore, at least 6 days/week, I eat virtually no corn/soy/wheat, except for the occasional piece of sprouted grain toast a couple times a week (which is a better option than typical "whole grain" bread).
I do, however, give in and sometimes eat breads, pasta, and even corn chips, etc. when I'm dining out.  I see these as my cheat meals and try to do this no more than once per week.  I still completely eliminate sodas and deep fried foods though...they are just TOO evil!
Please share this article with your friends and family on email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums, etc... this is one of the MAJOR reasons that we are so unhealthy and overweight as a society... 67% of our calories from just 3 foods (and their derivatives) is an appalling statistic!  Don't give in to the marketing machine that is the corn, soy, and wheat industries!  Take control of your OWN health instead of letting big corporations take control of your health.
Too many theories and arguments on what should be eaten and what not nowadays. I guess everyone has his or her own preference. As for me, i still maintain my weight which has never exceed 56kg ( hope i won't) as yet. May be it's genetic or may be just a coincident :D. Below are my eating habits;
- i love love love love nasi (rice) - can't do without
- i love love love cili api (chillies), especially raw
- i love chicken and of course egg (trying to switch to fish and hey, dory fish is okay too ha ha ha, but is it farmed fish fed with corn??)
- i don't like bread
- i don't like pizza
- just trying (quite hard) to love fruits nowadays
- trying to avoid meat (used to love it too)
- i don't like snacks, biscuits, or munching between meals (of course i do, once in a while but i just lazy to munch all the time as my preference is heavy meal)
- i don't like pop corn too and i can't imagine why people love eating pop corn while watching movies :)
- i do have sweet tooth 'once' in a month (automatically i'll be craving for sweet things esp. cakes)
- i hate asam boi
- i don't like to drink while eating nasi (recently i had lunch with old friends and they still remember that i don't drink during meal nor immediately after meal)

No offend please...the above are just my personal preferences and opinion. You may eat what you like and while you can. But i heard it'll be better if we eat food of many colours and don't eat one or two types too excessively. Another thing is don't think slim is healthy and vice versa...

yellow orange or orange orange ?

normal Blood Pressure reading